Reform Torbay are working for you!

Together, we can Reform Torbay 

Our Country and Community need REFORM.

Our politicians have lost our respect. They don’t listen to us. They don’t do what they say. They don’t care anymore. They are too comfortable. Fundamentally they do not represent your views.

Torbay was once the premier tourist town in the UK.  Poor management locally and disastrous policies nationally have hollowed out our town. We want to make it Great again!

Reform UK, in Torbay and nationally, are here to make the changes we need.  We will listen to the people of this country again. We will succeed where others have failed.  But we need your help!

We can do this because we’re normal people like you.  We aren’t professional politicians.  We have normal jobs and come from normal backgrounds like you.  Our concerns and problems are the same as yours. 

We recognise that the main parties will never deliver for the people.  They just sell what the government is pushing. They are meant to represent us but they don’t stand up. 

Reform UK are a new party.  We don’t have the same connections.  We will stand up for the people!

So far, we have five Members of Parliament who regularly call the government out led by Nigel Farage.  Let’s not let the other failed parties win again. Join our movement and we can win the next election and return the country to its people.

It starts with you, Join us.

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